Vadh-Ghat Babat Priptra
- Regarding the necessary instruction as per Chapter-2 of the Resolution dated 26/10/2020 of the Education Department regarding teacher / teaching assistant transfers.
Regarding the above subject, it is to be mentioned that the details of the changes to be made while merging the schools are given in Chapter-Z under the Resolution No. 26/10/2020 of the Education Department.
the representations received by the office here, it appears that the matter is interpreted differently in different districts. So that the following is clarified. If the teachers working in this standard are qualifying for Std-1 to Std-6 or Std-6 and Std-7 from the school where the Std-1 to 5 classes are not merging, then the school in which the classes are merging. Their consecutive seniority with the teachers working in Std-1 to 5 in the school should not be considered but they should be considered as slaughter. But if there are teachers with Std-6 to 8 qualification in this case, then as the classes of Std-6 and 7 are closed, they will have to consider the most junior teacher in the merging school with the teachers of Std-6 to 8 in terms of seniority. In addition, when merging the classes of Std-6 and Std-6 and 7 in a school where there are vacancies in Std-1 to 5 and the teachers of the school who have the qualification of Std-1 to 5 after merging the classes, the teachers in the same school. Vacancies will be included above.