



Government employees of Gujarat Government are required to pass the CCC examination during their employment. Therefore, the CCC examination is conducted by the government through various institutions and universities. This examination has been made mandatory by the government for government employees. Based on which the employees are determined to have basic knowledge about computer. 

The entry of the government employees who have passed this examination is given in the service book on the basis of which those employees get the benefit of higher pay scale.

The benefit of higher pay scale of employees who fail to pass the CCC exam is deferred.
This exam has a total of 100 marks. It has 50 marks theory and 50 marks practical. Which is mandatory for that employee to pass Practical and Theory.

The Government of Gujarat conducts CCC examinations in institutes like ITI, Gujarat University, HNGU University, Gujarat Technological University
The result of this test which is displayed on the website of that organization. It is necessary for every employee to be informed of this result so that he can know his result and make an entry in the result's service book.

You can check the result as per the date of the examination taken by ITI (Date: 22/11/2006 to 27/02/2008). You can also check the result "ITI CCC TRSULT" as per the examination center (date: 23/10/2008 to 30/06/2009).
You can check the results of the exam taken by "GCVT GUJARAT COUNCIL OF VCATIONAL TARAING, GANDHINAGAR, GUJARAT" ITI CCC till today from the link below and check your result.


Check ITI CCC RESULT  Click here

Across the GNANSETU4ALL blog you will be given an explanation of Government Circular, CCC all result and notification like ITI CCC Result, Study Material, Job Circular, Admission Secular and its guideline.